Jingoistic language feelings are evoked, and anger is vented out by destruction of public property and by harassing/injuring/killing people. And vandalizing theaters, hotels and eateries, association buildings, buses, etc. won't do an iota of good to either parties. The hue and cry is more because of a star-studded, cinematic element to this standoff. The whole point? You express solidarity to a particular language?? How does allegiance to a language solve the water problem? Dirty politics and elections have made it all the more important to get your nose up in front. And we are still wasting water.
Most of the rainwater is let off into the ocean ultimately- a precious resource, wasted. For heaven's sake, why not invest money in water management instead of fighting over petty issues? For instance, rainwater harvesting should be made mandatory to every structure constructed. This will take a big investment, but ultimately the benefits are much higher than the investment. Common man should not be bothered about basic necessities- his time and energy should be spent to deal other issues. But our greatest need water, is so scarce that the common man is bereft of his peace of mind.
Imagine a situation where you can take water for granted, like air. You never bothered about it as you never really thought of "rationing" oxygen to breathe. Water was like that, long ago- when the population was minimal and rivers and lakes were aplenty. Today, we need to find a long-lasting alternative method to sustain water- for peace of mind. We can start ourselves, at home. Because the nation is no more stronger than the individual people. Try doing these:
1. When you brush your teeth, shave, wash your face, etc., CLOSE the tap while not in use.
2. If you have a faulty tap or any plumbing fixtures, get it repaired immediately!
3. Try to use lesser water for bathing, washing dishes and clothes.
4. Avoid wasting water unnecessarily, and make sure your property is fully rainwater harvested.
It is important to know one thing. When water wastage occurs which is beyond our control, WE should not stop being water-conservative. Our duty is regardless of how we see water being wasted elsewhere. If we start to do these seriously, then we can surely implement water management on a broader scale- like saving most of rainwater instead of letting them into the seas. Hogenakkal or Jog, let there be plenty of water in them.
(Picture copyright- CITYOFTULSA.org)
Karnataka is disobeying the Supreme Court order and denying Thamizhs their fair share of water.
This will no go unpunished. Someday we will kidnap your Chief Minister (like we did Rajkumar. Seriously, no other state can stoop down to the level of being crazy about Rajkumar. The Kannadiga Rajinikanth, though a retard, is better than karnataka's hero man but that is not saying much) and hold him for ransom.
Bomb blasts will happen in bangalore and it will be blamed on the moslems anyway. Wait and see. The United States of Thamizh is at war with karnataka and nothing short of raping your women and beheading your men will please us.
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