Friday, August 31, 2007


Recently there was a big hue and cry about fake products being sold in the market, especially COLGATE toothpaste, in the US. And the ways to "identify" a fake product usually involved tampered packaging, and spelling errors.

I always wondered how spelling errors could creep in, even with fake products. I mean, are the fakers really so stupid to make it so obvious? My sceptical view quickly changed when I myself spotted a tin of PAN PARAG. This product is indeed genuine, but unfortunately it has a few glaring errors in print. Pan Parag, a product well cherished since 1925 should take more steps to prevent embarrassing moments like the pictures show...

[There is no dot after www... duh!]

[This pack is not vacuum packed but it is supposed to be a "VACCUM PACK". "Flavours" is repetitive (especially after the comma following the first instance of the word). Grammar goes for a toss with this line: "Best before within 6 months from the date of packaging given the bottom"]

And this is an ISO:9001-2000 certified company... Nevertheless, I enjoyed the taste! Who really cares about such minutiae- only a blogger with nothing else to publish!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


INFORMATION IS WEALTH- so here is some information which you could use. And it could prove much more than wealth- in fact, information is health. Health is one thing which is indispensible to the human survival and nothing is more sacrilegeous than ignoring or being ignorant about a disease that is spreading leaps and bounds. Something like AIDS...

Before we go deep into it, lets us get some basic ideas. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; and it is caused by HIV (HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus). AIDS is the advanced stage of HIV, where the human immune system loses its power to resist outside attack completely- and death occurs.

By many propagandas and campaigns, knowledge about AIDS has been fairly well etched in the people's mind- however, they think they know... but they don't. For it has been noted a few times (in India) that the so called "AIDS-counsellors" themselves were falling short of knowledge about it... and you can forget about the general public. I was misconceived about it for a long time till recently. I discussed it with my friend, and asked some probing questions... only to realize that (to his dismay) he too was not fully aware of this epidemic. So I intend to dispense my knowledge to the world. Any corrections or criticisms are welcome.

The effects of AIDS are unhealthy- and after struggling with ill health, one fine day life will be sniffed out. So, the important thing is how to prevent it. For every common statement of propaganda, I have a counter argument- not to prove that the campaign is giving false info, but it is flawed in that it is not the COMPLETE information.

Check out these questions:

1. AIDS mostly comes from sharing blood- I have given blood and I know people who have received blood, and we don't have AIDS or HIV. Why so?

2. AIDS spreads from intravenous drug abuse and generally by taking drugs- Oho, the place where I live, drug abuse is fairly common; yet few or none have HIV.

3. AIDS comes from sharing needles- Well, I have been given many injection shots with a needle which was NOT a disposable one (meaning it was used before with someone else). Why am I still not having HIV? Does it mean that sterilizing a needle could solve this problem?

4. AIDS comes from "unsafe" sexual intercourse- So, define "safe" sexual intercourse.
4.1. OK, Always use a condom- If so, how can the population grow? I mean, all childbirths are to be prevented then. Since childbirth happens almost every second, it is not justified to say "condoms prevent AIDS". So the whole issue of "sexual contact" is flawed in this propaganda. If we are led to believe that "condoms prevent AIDS", nothing is as flawed as this as it leads people to believe that sex without condom is a sure shot way of killing yourself; and forget about having children.

5. AIDS comes from oral/anal intercourse- still people are alive and healthy inspite of practicing "unsafe" habits. Why so?

6. AIDS is transmitted by childbirth- Well, it is valid only if the mother has it. So, this notion is accepted without any doubts.

7. AIDS is transmitted by homosexual contact- Another "unsafe" means, but still people are alive without any health defects. Why?

8. Kissing with cuts and bruises in the mouth- Ooh.. this leads to believe that ANY contact of other person's blood is suicidal. What about the first aid people who deal with blood all the time? And nurses and doctors? What about the people who suck blood from a snake bite?

9. Be faithful to your partner; it prevents AIDS- No doubt this is a good moral statement, but still it doesn't fully explain things. I know many healthy boys and girls who have had many partners (by the way, partners means "sexual partners"), and none of them have HIV...

AIDS campaign are many and varied, and since sex is such a taboo subject in many communities, the correct information is not passed on. The statements in YELLOW are the campaign statements, and only this information is released to the public. The questions posed at each statement could raise the authenticity of the campaigns. But the flaw lies in NOT giving the COMPLETE information.

Here's something which could clear things up.

(I). AIDS is only SPREAD from one person to another, and does not originate from within a person.

(II). This means, if two people are HIV negative (no HIV, no AIDS) then even indulging in the most bizarre acts of affection or sex would not make them HIV+. Meaning, unprotected sex, sex without condoms, oral/anal intercourse, etc. would not cause them AIDS. And of course, childbirth is an occasion of joy, and not grief.

(III). HIV is transmitted by unsterilized needles with a blood stain WHICH HAS HIV. And never otherwise.

(IV). Blood transfusion by sharing HIV infected blood is the cause for spreading, and not otherwise.

(V). All the above mentioned campaign statements are valid only if ONE of the individuals involved has HIV/AIDS, and NOT otherwise.

So, this leads to one thing: if you are already pure, and the statements above(points 1-9) involve you and a person who is also pure... you are at zero risk. So how did AIDS originally come into existence? Nobody knows the exact answer, but there are a few theories put forward. Chief among them is the grafting of testicles of chimpanzee to humans; butchering and eating infected animals; and bestiality. Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) was found to exist among some animals, and it is generally accepted that humans got the HIV from SIV, by some form of contact with the infected animals; mostly sexual or by eating them. Well readers, now that you have some "MORE" idea of AIDS, go back to points 1-9 above and read them again. Then you would have been effectively educated by the AIDS campaign.

So, AIDS is a killer disease which has no cure till date, but anti-AIDS campaign should be better directed. The information though not false, seems limited- it opens up assumptions and ill-conceived theories like this: (the most absurd one I've heard) Sex with a pure virgin/animal could cure AIDS. Awareness has to be more accurate.

Like my blog says, INFORMATION IS WEALTH.. er, HEALTH.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ah, now I realize how the Aussies felt while posing for all those photographs after ruthlessly winning all tournaments. Here's a picture of our team, after whooping New Brunswick's ass! The taste of victory is really sweet- especially the post match celebrations!

The victorious team: Hassan, Daksh, Shailendra, Amit, Anirudh, Shreyas, Vishal, Tushar, Taher, Naveed and Ganesh; from right to left. (click for a better resolution)

Looking forward to another opportunity to pose like this.. hopefully, there will be more pics like these in the matches in August and September.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


My dear friend, Shrikanth, aspires to become a musician/singer. He has many accolades to his name and he runs his own little world of blogging here. He was my schoolmate in my 11th and 12th standard, and could break into a melodious crescendo at the drop of a hat. A few of his musical masterpieces are seen in his blog. Music apart, he had (and still has) a keen sense of wit. In fact, he composed a "joke" during our school days, and enacted this in front of the whole class one day with the help of another person. The whole class burst into laughter uncontrollably for minutes together! Some were hysterical, and were baying for his blood...

Here's the great "joke", which he claims, is his copyright. Nothing spectacular with this one, but it was quite funny with his facial expressions and when acted upon in real life in front of a crowd.

One of my friend (F1) wanted to join in the Army. One fine day he was discussing with his another friend (F2) about his idea of joining the army.

F1 : hey, I have planned to join the army.. Why don't you ?

F2: I do not want to..

F1: But why ?

F2 : I do not want...thats it...No specific reason..

F1 : No, I would like know for sure, why don't you want to join the army... tell me one good F^&$%^ng reason..dude.. I am not gonna let you go until you substantiate your stand.

F2: See, If I have to join the army there are 2 possibilities. I may apply or may not apply for the job... if I do not then no problem..but if I apply then there are 2 possibilities

The militiary officials may see it or may not..If they do not then no problem but if they check my profile then there are 2 possibilities

They may or may not call me for the interview. If they do not then no problem but if they do then there are 2 possibilities

I may attend or may not attend the interview. If I do not then no problem but If I attend then there are 2 possibilities

They may or may not ask me questions. If they do not then no problem but if they then there are 2 possibilities

I may or may not answer their questions. If I do not no problem but if I do then there are 2 possibilities

They may or may not select me. If they do not then no problem if they do then there are 2 possibilities

I may or may not join the army. If I do not then no problem but If I join then there are 2 possibilities

There may be or may not be chances of war. If there is no chance then no problem but if there is a chance then there are 2 possibilities

I may or may not be put in the front to lead the army. If I am not then no problem but If I am then there are 2 possibilities

I may or may not be shot. If I am not then no problem. If I am then there are 2 possibilities

I may be buried or burnt. If I am burnt then no problem but if I am burried then there are 2 possibilities

A plant may grow on my grave yard or may not. If it doesn't then no problem but if does then there are 2 possibilities

It may be a paper plant or may not be. If not then no problem if yes then there are 2 possibilities

It may grow or may not grow as a tree. If it does not then no problem but if it does then there are 2 possibilities

Tree may be or may not be used for making paper. If not then no problem if yes then then there are 2 possibilities

They may make a news paper or a tissue paper out of it. If a newspaper then no problem but if a tissue paper then there are 2 possibilities

I may be used in the toilet or may not be used. If not then no problem.. but if used then I may be wasted then

I don't want to be wasted ...So I do not want to join the army..

Congratulations, if you have come this far... you have successfully finished enduring the famous "wit" of Shrikanth! Really, he is a charming and a nice person...
Now, he might become a great musician or not. If he does then no problem. But if he doesn't, there are two possibilities... (you figure out what)