Lets get on with the review. This is a low budget movie which I suspect was made with handy cams, an electronic MUSICAL KEYBOARD (with pre-programmed musical tunes and beats) and a "hero" who is likely to be related to the director, Joe Stanley. Incidentally, he is also the man behind the movie's "music", screenplay, story, lyrics, and dialogues. This movie was made with a motive to propagate Christianity, but I fail to see how.
This movie came out sometime in 2007, so this review is pretty late. Nevertheless, let me vent out my feelings. Assuming you have regained your mental stability after watching these videos, let me tell you I nearly suffered a stroke the first time. As a dare, I decided to watch this movie. Enter our hero, and you will be desensitized immediately. What follows is just 2 hours of nonsensical dialogues, listless acting and suicide inducing video songs. In about 10-15 minutes, you would've already become so numb, that you would'nt want to expect realism or logic anywhere in the movie. I was made to realise that engineering drawings were drawn like portraits- the ones shown in the movie (probably drawn by 10 year olds) remind me of the car drawings I did long back. A poster of a Ferrari F50 was not given to David because customers in India will be shown this car(which is soon to be released in India by the way...), and they will buy the car on seeing that only poster (I thought I should be crucified to the cross at this juncture). The first girl comes to know of David's relationship with the second girl through a romantic dream song between David and the second girl (who I thought was the only plus point of this movie: the second girl actually looked good and acted reasonably well). Our David has the touch of the holy spirit too... His talk can transform goondas into realising their folly. David also can give his gold chain to a perfect stranger if she has had her gold chain stolen by thieves.
David the lover is a class act. He is shuffled between two girls, and he also splits the same song between two girls! Probably the music director (Joe Stanley) might have run out of tunes in his keyboard. Song might be the same, but we have new dance movements! While the "Raasathi" song with girl#1 could be the cure-all to every known ailment, dances in the same song with girl#2 would probably make you full of philosophical wisdom for the whole of humanity. The choreographer has explained through the songs, the concept of "how to look like a fool to be famous". The exotic locations in the songs (read: sewage gutters, excavated land, charred landscape, private gardens) are wisely chosen and could rival the cheap locations in Switzerland, Australia, Kashmir, etc. Adding a bit of novelty is the fact that at most times, the girl dances separately and our hero dances separately- like two people in a parallel universe bonded by a insane desire to do kiddie aerobics. I feel heartfelt sympathy for the two girls who had to endure the suffering of dancing with Sam Anderson.
I feel that this movie was made with a special intent to ridicule Sam Anderson. His acting, his expressions, his costumes (he wears colourful shirts and ties!), his stomach-protruding stance, his teeth, his dialogue delivery... they all make up for one mighty concoction of insanity. There are jokers like T. Rajender in Tamil movie industry, but with talents like S. Anderson, TR would take a distant second place.
Seriously folks, if you are into numbing your senses by using cigarettes, alcohol or even drugs... try watching this epic. Sam Anderson will change your life forever. There is a good chance that you will embrace nihilism- for every thing you ever knew becomes irrelevant or without any intrinsic purpose. For people not familiar with Tamil movies: This movie is not an indicative of Tamil film industry, and don't come to any conclusions!
In case you didn't know, there's similar stuff from bollywood too.
Check this lol!
hattip from :)
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