Monday, April 02, 2007


Person 1: Hey, I got fooled into believing that my dog died today.

Person 2: Ha ha ha... how silly of you. I would never believe anything said on 1st April.

Person 1: Yea, right. But actually my dog did die, and I made a fool of myself by not believing the news. So I got fooled... by myself.

Person 2: Are you trying to fool me here?

It is that time of the year where people try to pull a fast one.

You should know, conning is a daily routine for many all round the world. BUNTY & BUBLI, the bollywood hit of 2005 is a good example of con-men, though some stunts are too much. BLUFFMASTER is also on a similar theme... April Fool's day apart, we have been tricked many times. Atleast, I have been tricked. I got tricked when applying for my passport once (the tout/middleman absconded with the money), our rickshaw-waala (when I was very young) escaped with money again, I got adulterated petrol in a "PURE-FOR-SURE" petrol pump (my bike showed a whopping 20 km drop per litre), our TV repairman tricked us by installing some "foreign parts" in our TV, and was never heard of again. Our TV was in worse shape, and our wallet lighter. Well, there are many more instances of me being conned, and I dare not venture into more of those. So, cheating is rampant in our society. No denying that.

So, you know why APRIL's fool day came into effect? It was a desparate attempt long time ago by people like me (who have got cheated/fooled/conned...) to get back at our perpetrators. Of course, you cannot hunt them down, but we vent our pent-up feelings by trying lame practical jokes, and other grey lies to fool a gullible person. So April 1st was chosen as the date (birthdate of the founder, who has requested anonymity in his death will) during the first ever meeting of FCA (Fooled Citizens Association) in 1878. The word quickly got around, and today it is known all over the world. But beware, there are rumour mongers lurking all over the internet, and nothing more so as it is seen here, which tries to trick us into believing the events and circumstances leading us to fool each other on April 1st. But dont get blinded by such attempts.
Now that we have figured out the reason for this day(who cares anyway), it is much fun to fool somebody. Ah, the joy of seeing others get fooled...! But equally disgusting is to be fooled.

So, be on your guard.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You...? Conned...? Now by reading that I feel the readers would be conned... :)

2:51 PM, April 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Donno if you saw it or not, but Google had a hilarious one on their homepage in trademark Google style - check it out:

- Mihir

10:47 PM, April 04, 2007  

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